New Male-Male Spanking Archive @ - stories (fiction, poetry and more) about corporal punishment and discipline of men, teen males and boys

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Submitting a new story

Every story submitted is read and approved by our team of reviewers before it appears in the site.

To post a story requires creating an account with a unique author nickname and password which you must use every time you add a new story under this name. Because only you can access the account, only you will be able to post stories using this name and you will be able to fully manage them. The account ownership is hidden from readers and only the site admins are able to see your email address. If you choose to use an anonymous email, or none at all, you will effectively be totally anonymous.

Disabling your email, however, means that not only will you receive no feedback from readers, but we will not be able to notify you of any problems with your stories or your account. Your WORKING email address is also our ONLY proof of your identity in case there is ever a question of your ownership of this account.
Fully anonymous posting, as was possible to the old archive, has been suspended.

Posting as anonymous means you would have no further control over your story and no way of editing it or asking for removal, because you will have no way to prove you are the author to us. Retaining ownership and control over your story is very important, not least because it discourages plagiarism and copying. There is no benefit to anonymous posting, and you will not be able to take the credit for a good story!

Posting using your account

If you already have an account and know your authorname and password, you may proceed to login and post.

create an author account

Creating a new author account

If you have submitted stories before and they are still in the archive, but you have not been assigned a password for your author account so that you can access them, please contact us rather than creating a new account! You do not need a new account, we only need to confirm your ownership of the stories already submitted.

If you are new to the archive, you must request an author account using this form, giving a nickname that will appear as the author name on all your stories. We will send a confirmation email to the address you provide with further instructions for activating the account, so it MUST be valid and you MUST be able to access mail sent there.

We will not share your email address with third parties or archive readers.

Your email address is our only proof of your identity in case there is ever a question of your ownership of this account. We therefore STRONGLY recommend that you do not use a throwaway free email address if you wish to retain control of your own stories. In any case, many free email services such as Outlook, AOL and Hotmail (and now it seems Yahoo also) are refusing to accept email sent by this site from its email server, so sign-up confirmations and other mail from us may NEVER reach you if use one of those email providers. While we are trying to put in place mitigating measures, you may experience difficulties signing up here that are outside our control.

Once your stories are approved readers will be able to give you feedback through a web form, which you will be able to view through your account pages here. Feedback emails are no longer sent out by us for the reason stated above. However, we may choose NOT to collect feedback for you if you have no working email address, since we consider it is likely you may never pick it up if you cannot even maintain a working line of correspondence with us as your publishers.

IMPORTANT: if you do not intend to post a story, DO NOT sign up here! Accounts where no story is posted by the author within THREE MONTHS of signing up will be deleted!
Author name:
Email address:

The contents of this story archive may not reflect
the views or opinions of the site owners, who most
certainly DO NOT sanction ANY abuse of children.
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