New Male-Male Spanking Archive @ - stories (fiction, poetry and more) about corporal punishment and discipline of men, teen males and boys

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Welcome to the New Male-Male Spanking Archive!

There is a widespread human fascination with domination, submission and discipline, and it is an undeniable truth that many people of all ages and in all cultures find corporal punishment situations exciting and erotic as either participants or voyeurs. This story archive acknowledges, explores and celebrates that fact, containing a wide variety of fiction and a little historical non-fiction about Male/Male discipline, ie. the physical punishment of male children, teens and adults by other males.

Some of the stories are sexually explicit, and while not all the stories are gay-themed, many do have a high degree of homoerotic content. If such fiction is unfortunately illegal to view in the country you are browsing from, we strongly advise caution and use of the story tagging we offer to avoid putting yourself at risk. We do not censor content by browsing location or to pander to any specific national legislation that denies freedom of artistic expression.

The history of this archive is explained in the MMSA FAQ page, linked above. There you will find policy statements from the site owners on the old archive content we inherited and on new submissions to it. New to this site, however, is a moderated forum, also linked above, where authors and readers can mingle and have fun discussing the stories, writing generally, CP related issues (other than the pros and cons of real-life corporal punishment of children) and give feedback on the archive itself. Please join in there!

This is a new-look archive, but it is presented in deep respect for the traditions of the old one, including completely free access. Where there have been necessary changes, they are being made in ways that we believe will preserve and enhance it for the benefit of the people that count – the readers and especially the authors, without whom there would be NO archive. We hope you will find this site the first place of choice to post and read excellent Male-Male corporal punishment, BDSM and discipline stories of all types. Thank you for browsing here!

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Accessing the whole archive, here is a simple scenario/genre selector to get your search started and an advanced search tool based on the story contents including a full text search.

Whether you are looking for stories about over-the-knee spankings for naughty boys, the sting of the slipper on a deserving bare bottom, family discipline with paddle and belt, kids and teens playing fun CP forfeit games, the cane or birch administered strictly at school, college hazing, adult BDSM relationships, the whip and strap wielded mercilessly in military punishments or judicial discipline, poetry, magical or historical tales, flagellation in the future or unusual CP implements such as a machine, martinet or sjambok, these search links will allow you to specify and find exactly what you want to read about!

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The contents of this story archive may not reflect
the views or opinions of the site owners, who most
certainly DO NOT sanction ANY abuse of children.
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