New Male-Male Spanking Archive @ - stories (fiction, poetry and more) about corporal punishment and discipline of men, teen males and boys

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customising this website

At the bottom of every page there is a customisation bar which allows some basic changes to the site skin for easier or more discreet viewing. Once selected, changes should persist wherever you navigate within the website and you should bookmark a customised page to return to that skin style. This feature does not use cookies.

customisation bar

To toggle on/off the display of all icons on all the story listings, click the first icon, the yellow star. The second icon, a red S, is also a toggle that allows you to remove the large site logos from all pages for more discreet browsing, perhaps in an internet café. The third icon, a green d, is a brand new option that changes between the normal white-background site skin and a new dark skin (black-on-white) that may be more suitable for smartphone browsing, as it takes less battery power to display non-white websites.

The fourth icon, the blue t, allows you to select the typeface used to display this website – you can switch between our default sans-serif style (PT Sans) and the matching serif font, PT Serif, if you prefer that. The link pop-up text shows the name of the current and alternative selections.

These fonts have been modified specially for the site to improve the legibility of quotation marks. They are provided as Web Open Font Format or WOFF typefaces, which will work in most recent web browsers – if you cannot see any difference in the site design, make sure you have updated your browser to the latest version available, for both better features AND security!

The second set of icons in the bar are quick navigation links within the site: to the main index page, the story search links there, to this help page and to the author account page login (if you have an archive author account).

You may also be able to switch to an alternative site translation from the customisation bar – we hope eventually to offer a German translation. We need help preparing translations in other languages, however, so if you can help please use the final link in the bar, to the New MMSA forum, to let us know!

full icon legend

We use icons across the site to indicate content tagging for stories, story and author awards, as well as the various filters you can apply to our listings for language, style or content. In most browsers, placing your mouse cursor over an icon you cannot identify should pop up a short helpful description of its meaning. Icon groups are colour-coded to help you recognise their category.

document types
content warnings
age of spankees
implements used
extra features
scenarios (types of discipline) writing genres (settings)

The contents of this story archive may not reflect
the views or opinions of the site owners, who most
certainly DO NOT sanction ANY abuse of children.
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